
Shit, I never knew I was so vulgar...

Also, if you hate the music I put on this blog, you can turn it off by pressing the play/pause button on the 'iPod'. Thanks for reading.

Edit: This blog is now NC-17. I wonder if I should be proud or ashamed of myself.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Today went without occasion so I shall blog about random crap.

Be warned, this truly is randomness true form.

This morning, I woke up at 6:00 (as usual) and saw something on the dining table...


Now, a year ago, this would've meant nothing, but after exposure to Nine Inch Nails and Marilyn Manson, it does.

What that hell do they do to make Twiggies?

Do they compress mini Twiggy Ramirez people into chunks of bread?

Yes, I ate Twiggy for breakfast. I'm now a cannibal. Although I'm now worried that he might take his Gibsons and Fenders (from NIN) and rip my stomach open.

I warned you. This was to be random. Random you got.

Trent Reznor is a god among musicians. He had Twiggy with him for two and a half years.

How kick ass is that?

I can't decide who I prefer Twiggy or Danny Lohner.

Jerome Dillon or Josh Freese? (Chris Vrenna is hands down the BEST(EST) drummer to ever live. He is an over-qualified drummer)

Screw Aaron North. Robin Finck is back.

Vimala Matthews suck.

To the girl I have a crush on: Those cursed two years are all that stops me from stalking you...

Marilyn Manson - give Twiggy back to NIN. You can take Rich Fownes away from us, but not Twiggy.

I finally bought a Fender Precision Bass. It now sits next to my Fender American Standard Strat.

Edit: Sorry, forgot something.


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